
Beauty Queen

I've seen better days but I've also seen worse, I don't have everything that I want, but I do have all I need. I woke up with some acnes and pain, but I woke up. My life may not be perfect but I'm blessed.

Diary About

Template by :
Atirah Hayati
edit by : miminadam

My heart melted

So today I was fasting as Iā€™m replace my last year fasting (in ramadan, if you are period, you cannot fasting, then you need to replace it before next ramadan come), then I should be cooking for me and F cause we are saving now for our future. 

To change the plan, I asked F first if he is okay. Then I demand of sushi so we will go to Sushi King. And he is fine with it.

While waiting to go to the restaurant, we were waiting on the bench in the mall. Then F was like,
F : Sabtu ni kita nak keluar makan pukul berapa?
Me : *super clueless* Why?
Realising he needs to work half day every Saturday, why he is asking me this question!?
F : Your birthday, remember?
Me : Awwwwwwwww!

He made my day though šŸ„°šŸ˜šŸ„°šŸ˜

Thats all for now!

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I miss

Aku rasa semua sedia maklum yang aku dok juai seluar batik di instagram under account @dianestreetshop. Aku start buat bisnes just nak cari side income masa zaman study dulu. 

Tapi turn out to be quite good jugak. Unfortunately habis ja study aku terus kerja di Shah Alam. So kekangan masa tu buat aku tak sempat nak restok dan sebagainya. Stok yang ada pun dah habis. 

Rindu nak berniaga macam dulu. Best kot ada side income tapi biasalah, tak tetap. Kadang okay, kadang takdak sale pun. Tapi dalam 2-3 bulan ni sales makin okay.

Aku dah x jual retail utk seluar batik. Aku jual stok borong saja. Senang aku nak manage. Sales tak banyak tapi ada.

Aku nak start balik slow-slow. Berbisnes bukan senang tapi hasil puas hati sebab tu semua titik peluh diri sendiri.

Thats all for now!

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Setelah 4 tahun

Alhamdulillah! Bertambah-tambah usia daripada post-post sebelum ni. Kalau tengok gambar pun mesti nampak lain unless ada yang follow dekat facebook/instagram.

Alhamdulillah aku dah pun grad setahun yang lalu. Unexpectedly aku dapat offer kerja dengan company yang aku buat intern, even sebelum thesis aku dapat approval untuk proceed hardbound. Aku rasa happy sangat masa tu. 

To be honest, kos yang aku sambung ni bukanlah kehendak parents aku pun. They are super worried takut aku habis study & takdak kerja. Sebab Textile Technology ni bukanlah kos common macam engineering, pharmacist, medic, dentist, even pure science yang lain di Malaysia. Tapi kos aku certified by Textile Institute dekat UK. Haaaa!

Bukan senang jugak untuk aku buat decision masa tu, untuk sambung kos apa yang aku nak. Tapi aku selalu ingat balik sebab utama aku masuk diploma dulu. To be certified. (Matrik sekarang pun dah certified kan.) masa aku dulu, sijil matrik takdak jaminan apa2. 

So to make 3 tahun aku berbaloi, aku nak sambung kos yang specified bidang & give extra input dalam kerjaya masa depan. Alhamdulillah, yang penting jangan putus asa. Dapat la merasa dekan, merasa assignment full mark, test highest. Hahahaha! Bukan senang tapi minat. Kos ni menarik kot. Banyak benda baru yang aku discover sebab kos ni industrial, so memang best. 

So now, I am a Merchandiser for one of local brand dekat Malaysia ni. Bila dah kerja ni aku banyak kena planning, keep up to date dengan trend semasa & management skill kena pandai. Adui hahahaha! Everyday is learning sebab aku baru setahun lebih ja kerja, banyak lagi benda aku kena belajaq. 

Thats all for now!

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Crush šŸ’”

Those word are very familiar especially to girls and some will have huge problem with it. I read something about crush on the net a few days before. 

A girl having crush on a guy and now they are together for already five years! 

Was that your dreams too? Hahaha

Moving back to high school time, I did have a crush on someone. We are in the same batch but not the same class. But I never tell anybody about it till now.

Hahahah even now, I will never mention his name. 

Time flies and he tried to get along with me. Almost a year after and we are in senior year at that time. I still remember the first day he talked to me. Well, he tried to help me and my friend on something. I was shocked. It was really unexpected. As the time goes by, we're being a good friend. We always have a nice conversation but never declare as a couple. 

But there's always something we cannot be together. I really think the thing will not work out for us. He didn't abandoned me but I chose to never contact him after that. Plus, we are not living in the same place.

After school done, we moving separates ways till now. I dont know if he know my life progression or not. 

To think about it again, I realised that I almost have my crush. Hahahaha.

Case closed šŸ™

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